Andrew Ozoria
Full Stack Developer
Hello, Im Andrew! I am a full stack Engineer based in New York City. After studying the hardware side of tech as an Electrical Engineer student, I decided to switch from a breadboard over to a keyboard, and learn how to build things on the web. Im glad I made the switch over to Software Engineering. My previous experience with problem-solving and troubleshooting helped me when it came to learning new things, such as React/Redux and Node/Express. It also taught me how to work together in a group. I am always looking forward to learning new technologies and the potential results they can bring
My Projects
An E-commerce website that sells books
Used Google books api to get information for all books
Utilized JSONWebToken and bcrypt to allow users logins and to allow admin specific features
Working cart that allows users and guests to shop and is also persistent
Santé is a calorie tracking Progressive Web App(PWA). Where the user is able to track their calories,macros, and water for the day. Also having access to the variety of recipes they can add to their tracker
PWA which allows the user to install the app from the web on to their device of choice
New tracker gets created every time a user logs in
Home screen shows users how many calories they have left for the day
Mobile app that takes the users current location and displays the closest bodegas/delis to them within a mile
Made with React Native Expo, Firebase authentication, Firestore database
Used Yelp API to locate bodegas/delis using the users location
Google map being used through Google Maps API
Published through Expo Go App